Lisa Robertson, 3 Summers, Coach House Books, 2016 - cover and illustrations: Hadley+Maxwell

Book Design and Readings

Lisa Robertson, 3 Summers, Coach House Books, 2016 - cover and illustrations: Hadley+Maxwell

Lisa Robertson, 3 Summers, Coach House Books, 2016 - cover and illustrations: Hadley+Maxwell

(2003-2017) Performance (Hadley Howes) and Design (Hadley+Maxwell) for Lisa Robertson

3 Summers

(cover and interior illustrations)

Cinema of the Present

(variable cover and 8 print silkscreen poster portfolio)

Lisa Robertson's Magenta Soul Whip

(cover and frontispiece)



Occasional Work and Seven Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture

(portfolio of images)


Reading a translation of "An Awning" from 3 Summers, Lisa Robertson with Hadley Howes, Art Metropole, Toronto, 2016

Reading a translation of "An Awning" from 3 Summers, Lisa Robertson with Hadley Howes, Art Metropole, Toronto, 2016

Lisa Robertson, Cinema of the Present, Coach House Books, 2014. Variable cover and 8 print portfolio Hadley+Maxwell

Lisa Robertson, Cinema of the Present, Coach House Books, 2014. Variable cover and 8 print portfolio Hadley+Maxwell

Reading Cinema of the Present (in its entirety), Lisa Robertson with Hadley Howes, Mercer Union, Toronto, 2014

Reading Cinema of the Present (in its entirety), Lisa Robertson with Hadley Howes, Mercer Union, Toronto, 2014
